Everything is Everything, 2020
chalk, paper.
Everythig is Everything explores the productive tensions between opposing qualities through the use of layered repetitions: a systematic process operated by repetitive actions; repeated motifs and materials; and serial forms.
The experience of repetition is not as something finite, but can be understood in terms of discovery and experimentation: the process allows new experiences, affects and expressions to emerge as it becomes generative of new modes and habits of making. This understanding has much in common with philosophical concepts of repetition, not as the same thing occurring over and over again, but as a productive process that produces variation in and through every repetition. Repetition , as an "active force producing difference" (Gilles Deleuze).
To repeat is to begin again; to affirm the power of the new and the unforeseeable. Repetition points to a whole that emerges through difference and variation: one and the multiple in combination.